A mostly monthly but certainly occasional round-up of what I've been up to and what's in the hopper. For full credits and details, see this entry.
Colleen of the future (stuff I'll be doing)
- "Making People Love You Madly" tour for ASMP [January dates: Albuquerque, 1/17; Phoenix, 1/19; New Orleans, 1/23; February dates: New York City, 2/1; Philadelphia, 2/9; Salt Lake City, 2/23] I'm continuing the road with a beefed-up version of my "marketing in the postmodern age" talk for the American Society of Media Photographers. Many of the chapters allow non-members to attend for a fee. This version of the talk uses specific examples from the world of commercial photography, but anyone with a small creative business will come away with plenty of ideas. And, if you're good at networking, many new contacts from the world of photography!
- January L.A. Biznik Mixer at Jerry's Famous [Los Angeles; Tonight, Wednesday, January 11, 5:30-7:30pm!] Fun, free, low-key networking plus great tips, tricks and ideas from your fellow indie-biz folk, which of course includes me. Duh. My co-host again this month is South Bay illustrator Donna Barger. Heeeeeere's Jerrys!
- TEDxConcordiaUPortland [Portland, OR; March 31] I am beyond thrilled, honored, and yes, terrified to be presenting at this conference whose theme is "Becoming Extraordinary." I mean, pressure much? But I had such an amazing, amazing time at the last TEDx produced by my now-friend Michelle Jones that—well, I made her be my friend. So there you go. Tickets go on sale January 28, and this event will sell out. And yes, I'd pay to go even if I wasn't speaking—it's that kind of day.
Colleen of the Past (what I have done for you lately)
- Points of View :: Photography consultant Selina Maitraya invited me to talk shop on her BlogTalk radio show to talk shop (in our case, how photographers/imagemakers can harness the power of awesomeness to mesmerize people. Kidding! We talked about fear and change and social media and how not to be a jackass online. Good times!
- The Career Clinic :: Way back in September, my friend Maureen Anderson invited me back to her weekly syndicated radio show, The Career Clinic, to talk about what I'd learned so far from 50-for-50. Little did we know that that very evening, we'd break through our $50,000 goal...10 days early! If you can't see the little player here, click through this link to listen online. https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F33104896&show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=87e666
- The Strictly Business Blog :: Since my last one of these round-ups, I've posted pieces about the work behind the gloss, a trick I use to get myself writing, how to pick the perfect personal project, why your blog may be behind the times, and my #1 marketing tip heading into the new year. (And here you thought I'd been slacking off and stuff.)
Colleen of the Present (stuff I do, rain or shine)
- communicatrix | focuses :: My monthly newsletter devoted to the ways and means of becoming a better clearer communicator (plus a few special treats I post nowhere else). Free!
- Act Smart! is my monthly column about marketing for LA Casting. Nominally for actors, there's a ton of good info in there for any creative business person. Browse the archives, here.
- Internet flotsam :: You know, I have not been so much with the Internet flotsam of late. Mostly posting links/etc. and chatting on Facebook. This could change—and probably will. Most things do, given time.
xxx c
Photo by Michael Smith.