Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! #32

An end-of-weekly roundup collecting fffffive of the fffffantabulous things I find stumbling around the web. Keep up with them day-to-day on one of the many other Internet outlets I stop by (or tweet at) during my daily travels. More about the genesis here.

Not a link, but by way of explanation for the light posting here of late, at least, the part I can talk about, here's a little post I put up on the Tumblr. [Tumbled]

Design writer, gelato lover and flaneur extraordinaire Alissa Walker has been an inspiration to me since I met her roughly four years ago. This excellent write-up by Heather Parlato, a fine designer and another good friend who is a source of inspiration, will give you a good idea of why, plus some great insight into building a life and career you love. [Google Reader-ed]

This excellent little essay by Merlin Mann on his obsession with Dr. Strangelove gets at not only the heart of the film itself (hint: NOT about nuclear proliferation), but also the nature of obsessive loves, and how they become paths to bigger truths. [Stumbled]

One of the most thrilling meetings of great Stephens you're likely to encounter. Delightful! [Facebook, via Taylor Negron]


Photo by The Royal Academy of Nuts + Bolts via the Machine Project Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.