Frrrrriday Rrrrroundup! #27

alissa walker at disneyland looking through viewfinder

An end-of-weekly roundup collecting fffffive of the fffffantabulous things I find stumbling around the web. Keep up with them day-to-day on one of the many other Internet outlets I stop by (or tweet at) during my daily travels. More about the genesis here.

Lessons on the nature of modern business abound in this honest post-mortem from the folks who beat to market and still lost. [delicious, via Daring Fireball]

Regrets of the dying, a very short list. [Google Reader-ed, via Ben Casnocha]

Juicy series of video interviews with artists and designers. [Stumbled, via Scott Simpson]

The story of Jim Swilley, the Georgia megachurch pastor who came out to his congregation, is extraordinary enough. But this interview with him on CNN, where he discusses (among other things) his wife's influence in the decision to do so, is truly inspiring. [Facebook-ed, via Roger Ebert]


Image by gelatobaby via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.