(Bi)-Weekly roundup, Part II: Hot Midsummer Links!

Coupleinbathingsuit2Okay...NO MORE TALKING ABOUT HOW HOT IT IS!!!

Instead, why not take a refreshing dip in the cool, cool Internet waters. I long to get back in and really splash around, but until then, I'll just revisit where I've been here & there over the past few weeks...

Locksmith and x-ray technician combine magical superpowers to help idiot get back in truck! (via BoingBoing)

Someone's horning in on my Searchesâ„¢ action. (And someone else is blowing up the â„¢ symbol! Boo-yah!) [via...oh, bother, I can't remember, it's too fucking, ack!]

What's cooler than Flickr? Making art from words via Flickr! Here's communicatrix! Here's Miss Colleen! Here's underpants! (Oh, come on, like you're not totally going right there right now to spell "butt." [via CoolHunting, created by the mighty Kastner, all bow down now, please]

Speaking of CoolHunting, how fucking awesome is this watch they blogged?!? Makes me wish I had fat wrists. [via...der...]

ManinbathingsuitSomeone finally got on it and started creating the dream photography site. Frankly, I think there should be sites like this for fine art, drama, music, etc., but I'm sure that gets the copyright freaks' undies in a collective bundle. You can access the site here, but it's really in tatters right now (note to self: upgrade your server before a major media publication runs big story on you). [via The New York Times online, where you will have to register to read the story]

You'll also have to register to read this fascinating story on the politics (and profits) of Costco vs. Walmart. But believe me, it's worth it. [via The New York Times online]

Please hurry up and make the coolest keyboard in all the land so I can buy it. Please. [once again, via CoolHunting]

Some really great advice on those who would be published authors. [via Seth Godin's blog, which I really should read more often]

Coupleinbathingsuit1The sooner kids learn the facts of life, the better. [CoolHunting, I am your bitch]

I think I'm going to have to post a separate homage to this chick, but until I do, go check out this site. Courtney Booker is one talented design monkey. She also did the design (and/or illustration) for Buddy/Buddette, one of my favorite postcards EVER. [via my frantic a.m. hunt for a headshot of Jacqueline Wright, who would be on my shit list right now if she wasn't one of the five best people I've ever seen on stage in my life and too nice to yell at]

CoupleinbathingsuitAnother well-written, accessible, thought-provoking post from Half Mad (Ex-) Spinster about preconceived notions and the conditions under which they are conceived. Nice to know that if I ever move to Ohio, there will be a kindred spirit there for me to bond with.

Finally, great mapping fun, find who's hot or not in your own backyard!!! [via Kovixen, who has a really great blog of her own, in case you were interested]

Later, dudes!
