The Quotidian Ones

Nerd Love, Day 16: Obsession, a.k.a. Nerd Koan

keys To you, it is a collection of keys (and affinity tags) on a key ring. (Okay, carabiner.)

To me, it represents dozens of man-hours of thought:

One ring or two? Or three? And what diameter? Fob choice? Fob size? What is too heavy? What is too light? What feels good in my hands? What feels so good I'll forget about it? Is that too good? Is that bad? What would be useful? What would be more useful? Is yesterday's 'useful' no longer so? Where to forgo elegance for functionality? What is the nature of elegance, anyway?

The difference between being a baby nerd and a grownup one is that grownup nerds know to enjoy the process or abandon it altogether, because the "goal", perfection, will continue to recede in the distance as you move toward it.

The key ring of my 20's is not the key ring of my 30's is not the key ring of my 40's.

In my 50's? There may not be a key ring at all.

And maybe that is what I am working towards.

If, indeed, any of this is a working towards anything...

xxx c

Nerd Love, Day 14: Stealth Nerd, #2

gretchen rubin Let's review:

Obtains Ivy League undergraduate and law degrees. Check.

Clerks for U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Check.

Chucks it all to do nerdy research and write books. Check.

Yes, Gretchen Rubin is beautiful and polished and living a life of chic Manhattan mommyhood. Don't let that shit fool you! Not only has girlfriend written four books and spent a year researching happiness from all angles, which she is now writing a book about...

...she has a blog about it.

I call nerd.

xxx c

Nerd Love, Day 13: Nerd Wayback Machine

communicatrix-dot-com, 2004 Yes, that's communicatrix-dot-com, circa December, 2004, courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

Just shows what a couple of years and a couple of hundred hours at the computer can do for a girl.

And her blog...

xxx c

Click the image above for rollover commentary and larger sized display of my shame. Or click here.

the communicatrix elsewhere: Man up, actor-girl!!!


Years ago, while living in New York, I had a recurring fantasy:

As I was walking to or from my miserable job to my equally miserable apartment, a stretch limo would pull up alongside me. The smoked glass window would roll down smoothly (this is when plebs still had to roll down old-school), a hand would extend out from the darkness of the cool interior (it was always August-hot in the fantasy) and a well-manicured finger would point at! I was being selected for some nebulous form of greatness, to be lifted up from my sadly unappreciated existence to...well, some nebulous form of greatness TBD.

Laugh all you want; this is how most actors operate on a day-to-day basis. Hell, it's how most Americans operate, we of our First World sense of entitlement and lottery mentality. I wasn't acting back when I had this dream, after all: I had a job, what some would say a dream job, as a copywriter at a top Madison Avenue consumer ad agency, writing TV commercials for cars and packaged desserts.

Imagine if you were an actor, always one audition between you and your million-dollar contract on a hot episodic; often one job between you and living in your car. Now laugh it up, motherf*cker.

It's about time someone started explaining How It Really Works to these poor kids...

"How to Get an Agent...or Not: The Best Advice You Will Never Hear from Anyone in the Business," in The Networker, on, now.


Image by A@lbi via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.

Nerd Love, Day 8: Nerds on Holiday!

canned goods

Chief Nerd and her hot Nerd Arm Candy are off to Chicago for the next four days, because nerds travel when:

  1. prices are low
  2. they feel like it
  3. they need a break from the relentless taskmistress that is the 21-Day Saluteâ„¢

Kidding on that last one.

There may be some posts of the canned variety until our return. No whining. It is, after all, winter in this part of the world. That's when you're supposed to have canned goods...


Image by never mind her via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license

Nerd Love, Day 6: Adirondack Lily and the Stealth Nerd

lily of the adirondacks Make no mistake: my friend, Lily, is as gorgeous as they come. And I'm not just talking inner beauty; I mean angel face, non-stop bod, the whole ball o' wax.

And yet...

Lily is a nerd. Not an honorary nerd, either: a full-on, piano-playin', pie-bakin', own-clothes-makin', Feynman-readin' N-E-R-D.

The nerds, they are everywhere, you see. That whole tape-on-the-glasses-bridge thing? Dunzo. Lily has a bitchin' pair of high-end ironic nerd glasses, but she can go deep-normie-cover in contact lenses and Hollywood actress drag. You can't tell the nerds from the civilians anymore, friends. Such is the beauty of the nerd camo that has been embraced by the hipster-ati. Who's a nerd? Who's just playing one on TV?

I'm certainly not telling. My ability to make a living depends largely on keeping people guessing.

But here's a clue: check what's in their homes. Check their homes, period. It's a good bet you'll find weirdly obsessive streaks: excessive clutches of stringed instruments, five shelves of South American poetry, too much software, too much hardware, too much, too many, too too too-doo.

How to discern between nerds and their de trop and ordinary Ammurricans and theirs? Nerd-i-mi-bilia is not available on QVC. Nerds are not trend-meisters or herd members; even in their obsessive overconsumption they flit about the fringe. They are gamers, but crazy-smart; they score off the charts in standardized tests but play in jug bands.

Nerds defy classification. This is why previous eras with their rigid strata were a little hard on nerds, and why we are all breathing a bit easier now. Never before in history has it been so sweet to be a nerd.

Even a nerd in deep cover, with fedora and six-shooter, knee-deep in snow and particleboard cabin construction, in the middle of an Adirondack winter...

xxx c

Nerd Love, Day 5: Score one for the Nerds

all my favorite Thanksgiving foods rhyme with d. lee Nerds with a secret are like little kids before Christmas: they cannot, CANNOT, I tell you, wait for the big day.

The big day, in this case, was supposed to be closer to baseball season. Or at least post-Stupid Bowl. But I could not, COULD NOT, I tell you, wait one more second. Because I finally got my old pal, Tim Souers, the genius I blogged about a year and a half ago, to start a blog.

True, there are only a few actual "posts" up there. But he's uploaded two seasons to the image galleries, two seasons, people!!! Hours and hours of chewy, arty goodness.

Of course, the beauty part is, not only have I given this outstanding gift to the world (via, well, you know, Tim's time, talent and effort), but Tim is cool! He is a Cool Person!!! Who has started a blog!!! Which means...

I actually converted someone to the Nerd Side!!!


I will get you all, my pretties...

xxx c

What have you done for me lately?: a communicatrix wish list

cupcake purse inside While I've never come up with a formal mission statement for communicatrix-dot-com, that would make me a total tool, I have established some informal guidelines, which basically come down to two things:

1. Give me the opportunity to write, unfettered, for public consumption

2. Help me help you

Okay. I'm a tool, I'm a tool. But it's true, my dream in relating my silly lists and stories and whatnot is that, in addition to achieving great renown (or notoriety, its tatty stepsibling) I can spare someone, somewhere, some portion of the agony I rained on myself by behaving like the World's Biggest Asshole for 40+ years.

But sometime over the holidays, in the thick of creating my nerdy lists, I realized I wasn't fully utilizing the wonderfulness that is web 2.0 if I wasn't also asking for help when I needed it. I mean, sure, I've queried Lifehacker and I belong to kernspiracy and I even paid the five bucks to MetaFilter but really, I'm lazy. Or in some cases, immensely frustrated after days/months/years of fruitless searching. I want to post a bunch of crap on my own damned blog and have people just find it and say, "Oh, hey, dumbass, that's easy, and here's how...!"

I think ultimately, I'll put up some kind of permanent Request Page. Or, hey, maybe someone can point me towards some great, web-based program that does this already. But there's stuff I need help with right now. Some of it I could probably suss out with enough time on Google and suchlike, but much of it I'm sure is readily answerable by an actual human RIGHT NOW!!! And that's when I want it: right now, in the comments, via email, or even the phone, if applicable.


  1. A list of fantabulous movies to rent based on my own lists (here and here, for starters). Especially nice would be descriptors such as "great on a rainy Saturday when hungover" or "only good when you are feeling especially "up" or "provides nourishing laughter to the severely ill", etc.
  2. For those rare public appearances and visits with the Queen, a bra that actually fits a AA-cup, is not covered in doilies or filled with compensatory gack (believe it or not, Foundation Fairies, some of us are down with the tiny and just need nip coverage from time to time), and costs less than $85.
  3. An SCD-compliant recipe that approximates chocolate fudge
  4. Houston's recipes for brussel sprouts and acorn squash.
  5. A map/list/page of L.A. streets with street cleaning schedule so I know when I'm going to have to add 20 minutes for parking.
  6. A hotkey combo to change file names in Apple's finder w/o accidentally launching the #$&@*($& files every time. Thanks to Robert 'Groby' Blum, who got me on the right OPTION + RETURN path
  7. WordPress code for nested subdirectories along with pasting instructions to tide me over until I overhaul my template.
  8. Another artist like Lemon Jelly, and don't say Mr. Scruff, because I know about him.
  9. While we're at it, how about more playlists along the likes of this outstanding one created by the magnificent David Gagne
  10. More programmers like Michael who want to work with me since I can apparently generate enough work for three programmers
  11. Especially ones into PHP and creating WordPress templates
  12. A superhero-style data-storage device that syncs with my Mac (like my Palm), is not read-only (like an iPod), has a good voice recorder (like, um, my tape recorder), and won't give me a heart attack if when I drop it from four feet off the ground.
  13. A reasonably priced, 4–6 week vacation rental (anytime from April - September) or apartment swap (all months but July - September, no one wants to live in my place in the summer) somewhere on the Central Coast of California.
  14. A purse that is plain but stylish, capacious but not clunky, dark-as-night brown but not black, vinyl not leather (too heavy), has interior pockets and a lining that is red, pink, orange, green, turquoise or pretty much any color except black in the $25 - 85 range.
  15. A free or cheeeep Steelcase-type table, about 62" x 36"(i.e., like this, but without the fruity color or insanely high price for an item the government was probably dumping in landfills pre-eBay/mid-Century design craze.)
  16. An accountant who works with budding entrepreneurs, has his/her shit together, knows enough about corporate structure and investing to point clients in the right direction and "speaks creative"
  17. An online resource for dining that filters for people on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet
  18. A source for nice scented candles at a reasonable price.
  19. A great cutter for "difficult" hair who charges less than $80 for a cut here in L.A.
  20. Some input from my fine readers on what you like about this site, what you don't so much and what other things, topics, features, blog doodads, you'd find helpful.

That's it for now.

And as my way of giving back, any of you looking for a sure-fire way to make money, come up with a steady supply of #13 and you can probably retire young and wealthy...

xxx c

Image by Robin Green Eye via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license

RIP, YMDB; hello, redundancy

Woodruff-Paskal I know nothing lasts forever. I also know I'm overly attached to things. But a list of movies? Who thought I'd have to back up a list of my 20 favorite movies?!?

  1. If goes under? I lose my links. AKA I'm screwed.
  2. If gmail goes down? I lose my email backup. (I've got it all locally, but I'm perched on the edge of a rusty scimitar, AKA, I'm screwed.)
  3. If DreamHost goes down? I lose this whole blog, past the last time I backed it up (note to self: find that plug-in that backs up automagically) (and for good measure, back up when you're done with this).

Before I go on, please know that I actually do have a keen sense of perspective when it comes to "stuff", based in no small part to, well, I can't even bring it up in a post this frivolous. You'll just have to trust me, my friend: between my travels abroad and my travels, period, I have an acute understanding not only of the fundamental impermanence of life, but of priorities in general.

Still, we cling to what we cling to, idiotic or not. And today, I'm clinging to movies. I had a list of them on a site called YMDB, which I won't even link to, because it redirects to IMDB, which needs more traffic like I need more holiday fat around my middle, and it Summed Me Up in Movies, and it was a link between me and my beloved Neilochka, and now it's gone.

Worse, occasionally, when I'd be hard up for a good video rental, I'd hop on YMDB and find a similar list. You know, like how you people who don't yet know is the devil sometimes use it for other recommendations on crap you might be interested in. Who doesn't want a nice page filled with crap they might be interested in!?! No one, I say!

So to hell with it. I'm putting my new and improved list of fave flickage right here. If anyone has any ideas on other stuff I might want to see, let me know. I gave up TV, remember? I need distraction!

Some disclaimers before I give up the list itself:

  • This list was cobbled together from dim, dim memory and a MySpace list, so, you know, it's likely to change
  • Drastic change
  • This list is in no particular order (although I really, really love The Third Man)
  • My criteria have more to do with desirability of repeat viewing than inherent greatness, which is to don't even start about Showgirls, people
  • That's it, but bulleted lists look better in odd numbers

Now, without further ado, the list itself:

  1. The Third Man
  2. The Godfather
  3. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
  4. Showgirls
  5. All About Eve
  6. Jackie Brown
  7. Brazil
  8. Nashville
  9. Caddyshack
  10. Ed Wood
  11. Fat City
  12. Le Rayon Vert (aka Summer, in U.S. release)
  13. Johnny Guitar
  14. Saturday Night Fever
  15. The Gay Divorcée
  16. Sunset Boulevard
  17. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story
  18. Play Misty for Me
  19. Vertigo
  20. Singin' in the Rain

As I said, list subject to change. Like me...

xxx c

Image by bryanF via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license

How to light up 2007

CFL Despite all the razzing I get from Neil about my fashion-forward geek-aliciousness, I am not an early adopter. Early adopters have to be the first (First!) and they're willing to pay for the privilege. Me, I am too cheap. I let the early adopters ride out the kinks of version 1.0, wait for structural improvements, a better user manual and a lower price, and then I jump.

Take compact fluorescent lightbulbs, for example. Raised by an environmentally conscious alcoholic, monthly trips to the recycling plant with a Chevy Malibu full of empty booze bottles seemed as natural as breathing. Mom predated CFLs by about a decade, but you know if their paths had coincided, she would have ratcheted down to the box Chablis to cover the initially high cost. (Oh, wait, she dropped down to the box Chablis anyway.)

No such sacrifice is necessary now, of course. You can pick you up some dandy CFLs at IKEA for about 5 bucks a pop, free, if you can sneak them into your boyfriend's cart. They'll save a bunch of energy, which saves the planet and also saves you money. How is this not the most fantastic thing in the world? More importantly, how is it that only 6% of U.S. households are using even one CFL now?!? Does no one want to save money? Do you crave full-spectrum light that much?

True, the light isn't as pretty as that from incandescent (i.e., "regular") bulbs. But the new CFLs are pretty darn good. And the ones from IKEA don't even have that weird coil shape.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

xxx c

This post made as my bloggy contribution to a worldwide blogger effort to raise awareness about CFLs. More information on Seth Godin's site, here. Save the planet! Buy a lightbulb!

Image by Irina / Riri via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.

Resolved for 2007

deck chairs Jenny has said she's not one for resolutions, and I'm with her: pulling "gonnas" out of your ass, as in "I'm gonna quit smoking" or "I'm gonna get in shape" or "I'm gonna quit pulling things out of my ass", is a recipe for feelings of personal failure and severe depression in the cold, holiday-free months of the new year. She prefers a "theme", such as "revival" or "more love" or "less putting of things in quotation marks." (Oh, wait, that's mine.)

I do like and believe in making plans, it appeals to the listmaker in me, and will probably take another, more serious crack at the Best Year Yet, "values-based" goal-setting system, for 2007. But before I even get to BYY, which I have actually SCHEDULED on the CALENDAR (December 23rd, you're on yer own that night, The BF), I came up with a theme for next year: Expand and Focus.

While I realize this seems like a contradiction in terms, I like it for precisely that reason: it's like a zen koan, and it's custom-made for overachieving type-As like me. Why? Because it will slow me the fuck down, that's why. You try being an overachieving type-A for 45 years. Hell, try it for a week. If you're unused to it, I can almost guarantee you'll suffer adrenal burnout in 72 hours.

Of course, I may still pick "Slow Down" or even "Slow the Fuck Down" as my 2007 mantra, but it has such negative connotations for me now, I feel glum just typing it. In contrast, I feel good about the sort of limitless possibility attached to "Expand and Focus". Also, I can monkey with this sort of stuff indefinitely, until things reach such a disastrous state of disarray, it becomes like deck chair rearranging on the Titanic. And believe you me, I'll keep shuffling those things till there's no deck left to shuffle on.

Still, some of you out there know me pretty well by now. Perhaps you have an even better deck chair arrangement to suggest...

xxx c

Photo by nickherber via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license

the communicatrix elsewhere: How to tell if your New Year's resolution should be 'find new career'

kfed on csi I know that as an aspiring actor, my favorite articles were (in order of desirability):

  1. pieces crammed full of proven, immediately actionable information from industry insiders
  2. interviews with industry insiders full of tips, even if tips were couched in "useless" prose (i.e., extracting said tidbits was up to me);
  3. interviews with industry insiders that were flat-out entertaining
  4. interviews with industry insiders that sucked ass
  5. tedious reflections on the meaning of acting 'crafted' by self-important blowhards

I think last month's column fell into category 5, which is why, unlike my masterful, definitely-category-1 series on how to approach commercial auditioning (here and here), I did not link to it. On the other hand, as I believe the kids said several years ago, "What's your damage, Heather?", I'm on month 4, still finding my way through the wilderness.

On the other-other hand, I've been at this blog for over two years now and I still walk smack into trees for looking at the forest.

So read "Five reasons NOT to be an actor…and one reason to jump all over it." Or don't. I'm fairly sure the world will continue to spin on its axis, regardless...

xxx c

Second annual Thank Your First Commenter Day

shut down Neil Kramer knows that we are nothing without our commenters. And I know I am nothing without Neil Kramer, who is not only one of my more loyal commenters, but one of my most famous, if you count blogging as some kind of fame. And I do. Oh, boy, do I ever.

And so, on the eve of this year's Thanksgiving holiday, I am participating in Neil's second annual Thank Your First Commenter Day.

My great thanks this year go out to my pal, Heseon Park, journalist extraordinaire and fellow student in Sewing for Total Idiots at LACC, who commented almost exactly two years ago on my post about one of the last shows I was to act in, the 2004 iteration of Ken Roht's annual "99¢ show."

My great thanks almost went out to Mari, who left a comment on an earlier post about listmaking. But Mari didn't leave her comment on my November 10th post until May of the following year. And in the blogosphere, timeliness is everything.

So I'll trot off to Neil's now, to leave my own timely comment on his timely post, lest what happened to Mari happen to me...

xxx c

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo by maxcady808 via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.

Scanning my #$@! photos, Day 9: This Tuesday brought to you by Bea Lillie

Bea Lillie by the fire My paternal grandparents, whose fireplace actress Bea Lillie is posed next to, led a very glamorous life pretty much from the time they hooked up. Gramps was a writer-producer in the Golden Age of Radio and (very much) enjoyed the attendent perks and privileges of such.

Me? I liked the stories. Like the one about Red Skelton passing out on the spare twin bed in my Dad's room after a particularly wild night. Or the one about the time when Gramps got fired, pulled everything out of their bank account except a hundred bucks and took Gram on a cruise around the world. Or the one about Gramps finally introducing Gram to 'Gingy', the woman who finally, albeit briefly, caused Gram to send Gramps packing.

Oh, yes. I've got a lot more scanning to do...

xxx c

Scanning my #$@! photos, Day 6: Portrait of the blogger as a(n older) mercenary

gold coast art fair '73 Me, selling more pre-communicatrix art at a later (1973) Gold Coast Art Fair. Ponied up for the license this time, too. Paid for the framing, taxes on sales and everything, even though Doting Grandfather offered to pay the expenses and let me enjoy the profit. Not my style. That shirt I'm wearing? 100% hair!

And yes, my prepubescent hands are wandering disturbingly near my crotchal area yet again. What can I say? Give me the child until she is seven and I will give you the slut...

xxx c

If computers R the sp@wn of S@t@n, why @M I const@ntly coming up with @ddition@l re@sons to use one?

zuikkin' english My Macs continue to conspire against me, one getting hinky as soon as I get the other one fixed. For months I've been hobbling along on my 12" PowerBook, watching my useful time working in Photoshop slowly shrink as the program decides to lock up more and more, in much the same way that it did on my G5 before it went south in July.

Die on me once, shame on you; die on me twice, shame on you, you mercenary POS robber barons.


So this afternoon, after a new business meeting down in Orange County, I'm driving back up to one of the 67 Apple stores in the Los Angeles area to give them even more of my money. Why?

(a) Because #@*() Apple won't let me install the Tiger OS that came with my $2800 PowerBook on my $3000 G5 and I need it to sync the computers and end this madness

(b) Because I killed the "a", "q" & "1" keys on my spare keyboard and I'm tired of swapping back & forth or finding work@arounds

(c) All of the above


For some reason, WordPress decided to gobble up 1/3 of this post between my pushing the "publish" button and it showing up on a browser near you. I don't know why; clearly, I am more technologically handicapped than I even realize.

Anyway, as I said (I think) the first time I posted this, the events of the past several days have helped me understand why The BF says he must visualize half-clad young Japanese women before he can wrap his mind around other people's stupid computer questions. I am just trying to take care of my own stupid computer problems and all I can think about is a stiff bourbon and a long, hot bath, followed by a swift whomp to the head with a 2x4 before falling into a deep, deep sleep until sometime next year...

xxx c

Image above is a still frame from a Japanese TV show called Zuiikin' English, in which half-clad young Japanese women aerobicize to common English phrases such as "I Was Robbed by Two Men" and "Spare Me My Life." Via TV in Japan.

Shedding excess baggage

luggage I've gotten a little better with the clothes packing; I generally come home from a trip with everything worn, plus or minus that extra pair of underpants I threw in just in case.

But I still take along too much stuff-stuff: books, magazines, and a to-do list sixteen days long called All the Crap on My Laptop. If I were flying to Perth and back with four layovers and weather delays at each, I wouldn't have the time to get through the stack of New Yorkers alone, much less all the projects I plan to fill my many, many idle hours of travel with.

Here's what I ended up doing: walking...a lot. Eating...a lot. Doing that thing you do in motel rooms a lot...a lot. (What? You don't watch late-night cable and drink bourbon when you're on vacation? Wackos.)

And in those few waking hours when I wasn't hanging out with some nice Bloomingtonian or walking the farm or driving around The Half-Blind BF (he lost a contact mid-trip), did I do the work I brought with me to do? Oh, no. I walked around a bookstore, looking for more not-work to do.

So how is it that on the way home, my baggage felt significantly lighter? And that this morning, despite a delayed flight (where yet more work did not get done) which also delayed bedtime until 2 am, I woke up feeling rested and refreshed instead of anxious and fretful?

Yeah. I guess I got my work done on this trip, after all...

xxx c

Photo by Sidereal via Flickr, used under a Creative Commons license.

I like to watch too much

gaping maw of farrah When normal people have to do something, they do it.

When type-A people have to do something, they do it...and blog about it.

Introducing My TV-Free Year, a long, long, long overdue effort.

Officially launching on October 23. Countdown already in progress...

xxx c

UPDATE 2/14/16: URL & site content long gone. Excelsior!

"Gaping Maw of Farrah" mashup = farrah_logan (by ambientfusion) + Gaping Maw of Disney (by libraryman), all via Flickr and all released under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.0 license.